Almost all of us will experience some kind of emotional distress in our lifetime. It can result from an argument with a friend, a significant loss, or a chemical imbalance in the brain. Emotional distress can cause serious and long-term consequences if it is not addressed.

Counseling can be related to any of the following:


Anxiety can greatly impact our lives. Symptoms may include obsessive thoughts or behaviors, avoidance of situations or objects, difficulty with decision making, and an undefined worry. Anxiety can take many forms, but always stems from an intense fear that is overwhelming and persistent. This feeling can be immobilizing and create significant problems in daily living. Counseling can help you overcome anxiety and find more peace in your life. Learn more about anxiety.

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder is characterized by an unusual and sometimes extreme shift in moods. It is caused by an imbalance in brain chemistry and includes manic moods, which may lead to engaging in activities that could be reckless and risky as well as depressive moods, which may lead to withdrawal or isolation from loved ones. Bipolar Disorder can be devastating and can compromise our relationships, health, and finances. Counseling can help you understand the mood shifts and achieve a greater balance in life.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one among many different types of therapy that helps individuals to change their experience of life. It’s evolved over the years and is effective in treating many different conditions including depression, anxiety, and addictions. Learn more about CBT.


Depression is more that just sadness. Sadness is short in duration and diminishes fairly quickly. Depression is often debilitating, intense, and can take over your life. Common symptoms of depression may include loss of appetite; problems with sleep or concentration; feelings of guilt, hopelessness, or emptiness; or in some cases, suicidal thoughts or attempts. This online mental health screening can help you discover if you are battling with depression. If you are, you are not alone. Counseling can help you learn to overcome your depression and find happiness. Learn more about depression.

Grief Counseling

Sometimes when we lose a loved one, grieving can become intrusive and can affect other areas of our lives. Counseling can help you work through feelings of grief, not by diminishing the loss, but by helping you to move through the various stages of grieving. Learn more about grief counseling.

Personality Disorders

Like most mental health diagnoses, a personality disorder is enduring and affects daily functioning. There are several categories pertaining to personality disorders, but they have one thing in common: each one creates problems with intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning. Depression and anxiety are also often associated with personality disorders. If you are struggling with these issues, counseling can help.

Suicide of a Loved One

When a loved one dies by suicide, we are suddenly thrust into grief often compounded by unanswered and unanswerable questions, guilt, anger, confusion, and shock. It is difficult to work through these feelings alone, yet survivors often fear judgment and stigma around a suicide death. Through counseling, you can find a caring companion who can help you grieve fully and help you honor the relationship with your loved one.