by Linda E. McKinzie, LCSW As we take time to reflect on Thanksgiving and the official beginning of the holiday season, many of us will engage in annual traditions that include family gatherings, lots of good food, watching football, and...
by Beth Kelley, MA, LPC These days, teenagers are faced with challenges and temptations that have the potential for permanent and lasting consequences. There used to be a time when parents felt that Elvis Presley’s hips would be the undoing...
by Lisa Ransford, LPC, CAC II Last week’s article referred to typical questions that many people ask about EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing). This week, I’d like to walk you through an EMDR session. This is meant to be...
by Lisa Ransford, LPC, CAC II Ok… maybe not EVERYTHING but I hope this will give you a bit of information that will allow you to better understand this technique. What does EMDR stand for? EMDR stands for Eye Movement...
October is National Depression Education and Awareness Month. After decades of being a “hidden illness,” depression is now recognized as a legitimate health risk that affects 21 million people worldwide [World Health Organization]. It is disabling and can be characterized...