by Chris Lewis Ed.S., LPC I heard something recently that made me think. It takes a lot to make me think, so this was pretty good. This old guy was talking to my sister about taking care of our bodies,...
by Claudia Gray, MA, LPC The language in Public Law 104-199, passed by the 104th Congress in September of 1996, defined marriage and spouse this way: “…the word ‘marriage’ means only a legal union between one man and one woman...
by Elizabeth Klaers, MSW, LSW If you have a son or daughter that is between the ages of 18 years old and twenty-something this question may feel familiar: What is happening…? Although the specifics vary from family to family, the...
Elizabeth M. Klaers, MSW, LSW Summer is winding down and kids are heading back to school. Supplies, clothing, and coordinating all the activities that comes with this time of year throw many parents into a mode of doing, doing, doing....
by Chris Lewis Ed.S., LPC September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. I remember the very last time I saw by former college boyfriend, standing outside Jose Muldoon’s restaurant on Tejon Street in Colorado Springs. We had met for drinks...